Προεδρείο: Κ. Μπαξεβάνης
09.30-09.55 Historical retrospection in the research of the genetic basis of cancer Β. Ζουμπουρλής
09.55-10.20 Immuno-oncology pathways and treatment Π. Σαράντης
10.20-10.25 Discussion
Προεδρείο: Α. Ξαγαρά
11.00-11.25 T cells for adaptive antitumor responses Μ. Γουλιελμάκη
11.25-11.50 Macrophage-based cancer immunotherapy Κ. Δήμας
11.50-12.15 MSI and other molecular biomarkers for immunotherapy response Μ. Σαμαρά
12.15-12.20 Discussion
Προεδρείο: Α. Κωτσάκης
12.20-12.45 Melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma and their therapeutic approaches Β. Παπαδόπουλος
12.45-13.10 Recent advances of immunotherapy in transitional cell carcinoma Α. Λαζάρου
13.10-13.35 Immunotherapeutic advances in breast cancer Χ. Αϊδαρίνης
13.35-13.40 Discussion
Προεδρείο: Μ. Γουλιελμάκη
15.15-15.40 Peptide-based vaccines Κ. Μπαξεβάνης
15.40-16.05 Mechanisms of action of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors Ε. Αναστασοπούλου
16.05-16.30 Autoimmunity and immunotherapy Δ. Μπόγδανος
16.30-16.35 Discussion
Προεδρείο: Α. Κωτσάκης
17.15-17.40 CTCs and immune cells interplay Γ. Καλλέργη
17.40-18.05 Immune cell signatures for immunotherapy response Κ. Τσαπακίδης
18.05-18.30 Hematologic malignancies and immunotherapy Ν. Γιαννακούλας
18.30-18.55 Cellular antitumor pre-existing immunity as prognostic and predictive biomarker for immunotherapy Α. Ξαγαρά
18.55-19.00 Discussion
Προεδρείο: Α. Κωτσάκης, Α. Ξαγαρά
The role of CAR-T cells in hematology and oncology Γ. Βασιλόπουλος
Προεδρείο: Ε. Σαλούστρος
09.00-09.25 Immunotherapeutic approaches in head and neck cancer Π. Κατσαούνης
09.25-09.50 Recent advances in the therapeutic targeting of gynecological cancer Ω. Φιστέ
09.50-10.15 Immunotherapy in colorectal cancer Ι. Σαμαράς
10.15-10.40 Chemotherapy and immunotherapy Ε. Χατζάρα
10.40-10.45 Discussion
Προεδρείο: Μ. Γουλιελμάκη, Α. Ξαγαρά
11.15-11.40 TME and immunotherapeutics Ε. Κούστας
11.40-12.05 Histopathological TME analysis Μ. Ιωάννου
12.05-12.30 Interactions between tumor associated macrophages (TAMs) and cancer Ι. Πατέρας
12.30-12.55 Hypoxia and angiogenesis in tumor microenvironment Π. Λιάκος
12.55-13.10 Discussion
Chair: Ι. Pateras
14.15-14.40 Mechanisms for immune resistance during immunotherapies P. Verginis
14.40-15.05 Systemic immune activation during radiotherapy Μ. Koukourakis
15.05-15.30 Tolerogenic onco-fetal proteins as emerging targets for novel therapies J. Wischhusen
15.30-15.35 Discussion
Chairs: Α. Xagara, Α. Giakountis
15.35-15.50 Immuno-microenvironment in PDAC J. Descarpentrie
15.50-16.05 B-cell responses in melanoma L. Booth
16.05-16.20 Effects of GDF-15 on the structure of the immunological synapse V. Thiemann
16.20-16.35 Peripheral immune cells in PDAC K. Vasilieva
16.35-16.50 Powerful tumor-rejecting T-cells I. Rota
16.50-16.55 Discussion
Προεδρείο: Α. Κωτσάκης, Β. Γεωργούλιας
The role of the microbiome in cancer A. Iliopoulos
Προεδρείο: Μ. Γουλιελμάκη, Α. Ξαγαρά
18.05-18.30 Epigenetic modifications in cancer. Diagnostic and therapeutic approaches A. Γιακουντής
18.30-18.55 Practical tips on how to use digital pathology and AI in my research Η. Νίκας
18.55-19.20 NGS-based innovative diagnostic approaches in cancer Π. Κωνσταντουλάκης
19.20-19.45 AI in cancer diagnostics Γ. Τσαούσης
19.45-19.50 Discussion