V. Georgoulias, I. Boukovinas
Chairs: T. Makatsoris (GR), M. Liontos (GR)
09.00-09.25 DNA damage Z. Lygerou (GR)
09.25-09.50 Epigenetics in solid tumors A. Klinakis (GR)
Chairs: V. Kouloulias (GR), Α. Dimopoulos (GR)
09.50-10.15 High Precision Radiotherapy E. Gkika (DE)
10.15-10.40 The use of R adiomics in Radiation Oncology C. Christopoulos (FR)
10.40-11.05 Radiotherapy and immunotherapy interactions:
perspectives in breast cancer treatment P. Tsoutsou (CH)
Coffee Break
Chairs: V. Golfinopoulos (BE), Z. Saridak i (GR)
11.30-12.00 The transformation of the therapeutic landscape of HR+ HER2- breast cancer E. Thanopoulou (UK)
12.00-12.30 The potential of Liquid Biopsy in the management of cancer patients E. Lianidou (GR)
Chairs: D. Papadatos-Pastos (UK), P. Christopoulos (DE)
12.30-12.55 PD-L1 and other biomarkers for immunotherapy combinations in RCC P. Tsantoulis (CH)
12.55-13.20 Insights from the B cell response in patients with cancer for antibody therapy design S. Karagianni (UK)
13.20-13.45 CAR T cells: speeding on a race to beat cancer M. Themeli (NL)
Light Lunch
Chairs: G. Patrinos (GR), I. Athanasiadis (GR)
15.00-15.30 Publishing: a cornerstone in the aim of cancer er adication A.- I. Zaromytidou (US)
15.30-16.00 The personalized medicine initiative and T-cell therapy in solid tumors. The MD Anderson Cancer Center experience A. Tsimperidou (US)
Chairs: A. Kotsakis (GR), K. Kosmatopoulos (FR)
16.00-16.25 Role of immunotherapy in SCCL K. Leventakos (US)
16.25-16.50 Metastatic Melanoma - latest evidence from early clinical trials P. Koliou (UK)
16.50-17.15 Development of immunotherapy with checkpoint inhibitors in breast cancer V. Karantza (US)
17.15-17.40 Treatment and prevention insights from the genomics of colorectal cancer M. Giannakis (US)
Coffee Break
Chairs: K. Linos (US), N. Kar achaliou (DE)
18.00-18.25 The use of biomarkers in treating patients with metastatic breast cancer V. Kaklamani (US)
18.25-18.50 Functional Genomics could Guide Treatment of Advanced Cancer Patients G. Vasmatzis (US)
18.50-19.15 Functional assays in precision oncology: the Ex vivo approach P. Anastasiadis (US)
Z. Saridaki President of the Hellenic Society of Medical Oncology
V. Kouloulias President of the Hellenic Society of R adiation Oncology
V. Zolota Vice President of the Hellenic Society of P athology
Chairs: V. Georgoulias (GR), I. Boukovinas (GR)
19.30-20.00 ΕSMO: Promoting education, disseminating science and supporting professional development G. Pentheroudakis (CH)
Chairs: C. Sotiriou (ΒΕ), F.I. Dimitrakopoulos (GR)
09.30-09.55 The tumoral comprehensive molecular profiling V. Kotoula (GR)
09.55-10.20 Microchip technology for Cancer Diagnostics Μ. Kalofonou (UK)
Coffee Break
Chairs: I. Mountzios (GR), A. Boutis (GR)
10.40-11.05 EGFR, ALK and other treatable mutations in NSCLC: current therapeutic algorithm P. Christopoulos (DE)
11.05-11.30 GU- prostate C. Alifragis (UK)
11.30-11.55 Targeted therapies for ER(+)/Her2(-) Breast cancer E. Papadimitraki (UK)
11.55-12.20 ΜPS1 inhibitors in TNBC S. Linardopoulos (UK)
12.20-12.45 Targeting HRD in Gynecological Cancer I. Athanasiadis (GR)
12.45-13.10 Melanoma - Targeted therapies in 2022: How and which? Y. Metaxas (CH)
Light Lunch
Chairs: P. Kosmidis (GR), V. P elekanou (US)
14.30-14.55 Merging clinical, morphologic, protein and genomic data in mesenchymal and melanocytic neoplasia K. Linos (US)
14.55-15.20 New Drug Development Paradigms in Neurooncology: Bridging Basic Research with Clinical Trials E. Galani (US)
15.20-15.45 Perspective of Precision Medicine in Breast Cancer E. Andreopoulou (US)
15.45-16.10 Molecular determinants of response to KRAS G12C inhibitors in NSCLC F. Skoulidis (US)
Chairs: G. Vasmatzis (US), V. Karantza (US)
16.10-16.35 Harnessing Tumor Evolution and Immune Responses to Treat Lung Cancer V. Anagnostou (US)
16.35-17.00 Digital pathology and future perspectives in oncology V. Pelekanou (US)
17.00-17.25 The (r)evolution in the management of urothelial cancer: an evolving par adigm P. Grivas (US)
Coffee Break
Chairs: N. Tsoukalas (GR), M. Rovithi (GR)
18.00-18.25 Clinical research in cancer palliative care: challenges and opportunities A. Konstantis (UK)
18.25-18.50 Ethical dilemmas at the end of life in cancer patients I. Boukovinas (GR)
Chairs: E. Lianidou (GR), F. Koinis (GR)
18.50-19.20 Pharma as a pillar in cancer research G. Carystinos (GR)
19.20-19.45 Maximizing Immunotherapy, Milestones and Future Outlook M. Karasarides (US)
19.45-20.10 A New paradigm for the Care of Prostate Cancer Patients C. Logothetis (US)
Αναγκαιότητα και Προοπτικές (Εκπαίδευση, Δημιουργία Δικτύων, Έρευνα)