Welcome address
Moderators: I. Boukovinas (GR), Τh. Makatsoris (GR)
09.00-09.20 Integration of clinical parameters for adjuvant chemotherapy decision making D. Papamichael (CY)
09.20-09.40 Defining post-operative management of patients with early-stage colorectal cancer using the “Immunoscore” I. Souglakos (GR)
09.40-10.00 The integration of ctDNA in the post-operative treatment of patients with early-stage colorectal cancer N. Tsoulos (GR)
10.00-10.20 From Endometrial to Rectal Cancer: Maximizing the benefit of Immunotherapy in dMMR tumors Ι. Athanasiadis (GR)
10.20-10.35 Discussion
Coffee Break
Moderators: V. Georgoulias (GR), M. Kalofonou (UK)
11.00-11.20 Update of clinical relevance of CTCs and ctDNA in breast cancer E. Lianidou (GR)
11.20-11.40 The emerging value of liquid biopsy for the monitoring of MRD in NSCLC P. Christopoulos (DE)
11.40-12.00 The liquid biopsy as a new tool in the management of oncogene-driven advanced/metastatic NSCLC G. Tsakonas (SE)
12.00-12.15 Discussion
Moderators: H. Gogas (GR), D. Bafaloukos (GR)
12.15 -12.35 An update on the pathologic diagnosis of melanoma K. Linos (US)
12.35 -12.55 Adjuvant treatment in Melanoma - Latest evidence. P. Koliou (UK)
12.55 -13.15 Metastatic melanoma treatment: Combining old and new therapies A. Schiza (SE)
13.15 -13.30 Discussion
Lunch Break
Moderators: V. Papadimitrakopoulou (US), P. Kosmidis (GR)
14.30-15.00 A. Pallis (DE), V. Pelekanou (US)
15.00-15.30 D. Iliopoulos (US/GR), K. Kosmatopoulos (FR), K. Vougas (GR)
15.30-16.00 Μ. Giannakis (US), M. Ignatiadis (BE), E. Andreopoulou (US)
Moderators: Z. Saridaki (GR), F. Dimitrakopoulos (GR)
16.00-16.20 Pembrolizumab for the treatment of early-stage disease V. Karantza (US)
16.20-16.25 Q & A
16.25-16.45 Individualized combinatorial treatments, biomarkers and toxicity in oncology G. Vasmatzis (US)
16.45-16.50 Q & A
16.50-17.10 OncoSeek for the early detection of cancer N. Papadopoulos (US)
17.10-17.15 Q & A
17.15-17.35 Identification and development of a novel, olive-oil derived, small molecule lipid metabolism inhibitor, against solid tumors D. Iliopoulos (US)
17.35-17.40 Q & A
Coffee Break
Moderators: Ch. Kittas (GR), I. Athanasiadis (GR)
18.00-18.20 New Horizons in Neurooncology Research Ev. Galanis (US)
18.20-18.25 Q & A
18.25-18.45 Proper engagement of international “Greek” talent in Oncology G. Pavlakis (US)
18.45-18.50 Q & A
18.50-19.10 New approaches in the treatment of malignancies L. Platanias (US)
19.10-19.15 Q & A
Moderators: Ev. Galanis (US), G. Vasmatzis (US)
The Human Genome Program: A Revolution in Biological Research A. Patrinos (US)
Moderators: N. Hatzinikolaou (GR), Ch. Christopoulos (FR)
Gemistus Plethon, Basilius Bessarion the Trepizond & El Greco: Three Greeks of Diaspora - Three pivotal starting points for Western Civilization Th.Triaridis (GR)
Moderators: Th. Foukakis (SE), M. Rovithi (GR)
08.20-08.40 The emerging need for the generalized molecular comprehensive profiling of the tumor in clinical practice. K. Papadimitriou (BE)
08.40-09.00 Methylation as an alternative mechanism to induce HRD A. Klinakis (GR)
09.00-09.30 The increasing relevance of RARP inhibition for the treatment of solid tumor M. Liontos (GR)
09.30-09.50 New roads for the clinical evolution of PARP inhibitors in oncology S. Linardopoulos (UK)
09.50-10.00 Discussion
Moderators: D. Filippou (GR), Ι. Boukovinas (GR)
10.00-10.15 Athens LifeTech Park: A innovation hub for biotechnology & precision medicine in Greece (ELPEN) D. Iliopoulos (US)
10.15-10.30 Investing in biotechnology: innovation with multiplier effect for Greece (DEMO) V. Paretzoglou (GR)
10.30-10.45 Pfizer’s global Center for Digital Innovation in Thessaloniki: Accelerating the race in digital pharma N. Gariboldi (GR)
10.45-11.00 Precision Medicine and the ”Genome of Greece” D. Thanos (GR)
11.00-11.15 Discussion
Coffee Break
Moderators: I. Souglakos (GR), I. Athanasiadis (GR)
11.45-12.00 TBD S. Gennatas (UK)
12.00-12.15 Clinical implementation of molecular subtyping for bladder cancer P. Tsantoulis (CH)
12.15-12.30 Improved monitoring of ALK+ lung cancer using circulating DNA analysis P. Christopoulos (DE)
Lunch Break
Moderators: E. Andreopoulou (US), T. Mamounas (US)
14.20-14.40 HER2-low Breast Cancer: Challenges and Opportunities K. Siziopikou (US)
14.40-15.00 Biomarkers for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer V. Kaklamani (US)
15.00-15.20 Latest advances in ER+ metastatic breast cancer M. Ignatiadis (BE)
15.20-15.40 Immunotherapy: A new emerging tool for the treatment of breast cancer A. Matikas (SE)
15.40-15.50 Discussion
Moderators: A. Kotsakis (GR), N. Karachaliou (DE)
15.50-16.10 Recent therapeutic evolution for the treatment of oncogene-driven NSCLC H. Charalambous (CY)
16.10-16.30 The evolution of immunotherapeutic approach in NSCLC D. Papadatos-Pastos (UK)
16.30-16.50 Perspectives of the radiotherapy/immunotherapy combination H. Gkika (DE)
16.50-17.10 The evolution of the treatment landscape in SCLC K. Leventakos (US)
17.10-17.20 Discussion
Coffee Break
Moderators: P. Anastasiadis (US), G. Patrinos (GR)
18.10-18.30 Strategies for overcoming resistance to TKIs F. Skoulidis (US)
18.30-18.50 Mechanisms of resistance to Antibody-Drug Conjugates A. Patrikidou (FR)
18.50-19.10 Resistance to immunotherapy N. Karachaliou (DE)
19.10-19.25 Discussion
Moderators: P. Tsantoulis (CH), A. Boutis (GR)
19.25-19.45 Advances in the management of the metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer Ε. Antonarakis (US)
19.45-20.05 The new therapeutic landscape of metastatic transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder P. Grivas (US)
20.05-20.25 The value of TKIs for the management of metastatic renal cell carcinoma in the era of immunotherapy K. Koutsoukos (GR)
20.25-20.45 Novel immunotherapy strategies for the treatment of renal cell carcinoma A. Drakaki (US)
20.45-20.55 Discussion
General Assembly
Moderators: D. Thanos (GR), P. Makrythanasis (GR)
Genetics and cancer. S. Antonarakis (CH)
Moderators: O. Tsitsilonis (GR), I. Pateras (GR)
11.00-11.20 Tumor Immunology S. Karagiannis (UK)
11.20-11.40 Immune responses in tumour and lymph nodes of patients with triple negative breast cancer A. Grigoriadis (UK)
11.40-12.00 Towards precision oncology via machine learning methods S. Tsoka (UK)
Lunch Break
Moderators: A. Valachis (SE), I. Athanasiadis (GR), O.I. Zoras (GR)
14.00-14.30 Navigating the publishing landscape with Nature Cancer Α.Ι. Zaromytidou (US)
14.30-15.00 The emerging importance of NSCLC Heterogeneity V. Anagnostou (US)
Discussion on future collaborations - New ideas