On Demand | 4th International Meeting on Lung Cancer

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Chairs: V. Georgoulias (GR), F.Ι. Dimitrakopoulos (GR)

13.00-13.20 Advancing the Lung Cancer Treatment Landscape Ch. Fokoloros (GR)

13.20-13.40 Improving IO outcomes in NSCLC – The GSK R&D strategy V. Chantzara (GR)

13.40-14.00 Thoracic SMARCA4-undifferentiated tumor: What we know so far K. Linos (US)

Chairs: A. Kotsakis (GR), K. Baxevanis (GR)

14.00-14.10 Conceptualisation of the antigen presenting cell landscape

in lung cancer M. Tsoumakidou (GR)

14.10-14.20 Immune landscape in periphery of non-small cell lung

cancer patients P. Verginis (GR)

14.20-14.30 Predictive biomarkers for immunotherapy response A. Kotsakis / A. Xagara (GR)

14.30-14.40 Characterization of the inflammatory inflitrate in non-small cell lung carcinoma I. Pateras (GR)

14.40-14.50 Unveiling the complexity of immune microenvironment in lung cancer A. Giatromanolaki (GR)

14.50-15.00 Clinical value of NF-κB transcription factor in NSCLC patients F.I. Dimitrakopoulos (GR)

15.00-15.10 Clinical and experimental research in lung cancer immuno-RT M. Koukourakis (GR)

15.10-15.20 Reverse translational exploration of the TME in oncogene-driven NSCLC P. Christopoulos (DE)

Chairs: P. Christopoulos (DE), D. Papadatos-Pastos (UK), A.Kotsakis (GR),

Ph. Koinis (GR), F.I. Dimitrakopoulos (GR)

Chairs: N. Karachaliou (DE), Ph. Koinis (GR)

18.00-18.20 Update on targeted perioperative therapies P. Economopoulou (GR)

18.20-18.40 Metastatic NSCLC with actionable genetic alterations G. Fotopoulos (CY)

Chairs: F. I. Dimitrakopoulos (GR), G. Tsakonas (SWE)

18.40-19.10 The future of KRAS targeting A. Koulouris (SWE)

19.10-19.40 Translational Genomics for Precision Oncology: Focus on Liquid Biopsies V. Anagnostou (US)

Chairs: G. Fotopoulos (CY), N. Panagiotopoulos (UK)

08.30-08.50 The emerging relevance of peri-operative immunotherapy in NSCLC P. Savvides (US)

08.50-09.10 Unresecrtable locally advanced NSCLC Ph.Koinis (GR)

09.10-09.20 Discussion

Chairs: A. Dimou (US), A. Georgiou (UK)

09.20-09.40 Frontline Immunotherapy for advanced NSCLC D. Papadatos-Pastos (UK)

09.40-10.00 Therapeutic options after immunotherapy failure Ch. Charalambous (CY)

10.00-10.10 Discussion

Chairs: D. Papadatos-Pastos (UK), Α. Voutsina (GR)

10.30-11.00 The evolution of non-small cell lung cancer metastases M. Al Bakir (UK)

11.00-11.30 Evolutionary characterisation of lung adenocarcinoma morphology D. Moore (UK)

Chairs: Α. Kotsakis (GR), P. Savvides (US)

11.30-12.00 Advancements in the field of ALK+NSCLC treatment D. Thomaidou (GR)

12.00-12.30 Emerging treatment approaches for NSCLC A. Nikolaou (GR)

Chairs: M. Tsoumakidou (GR), V. Anagnostou (US)

14.00-14.10 Validation of the ALK-Brain Prognostic Index (ALK-BPI) for patients with ALK-rearranged lung cancer and brain metastases G. Tsakonas (SWE)

14.10-14.20 Stockholm Gamma Knife brain prognostic index (SGK-BPI) for lung cancer patients with brain metastases eligible for stereotactic CNS radiotherapy G. Tsakonas (SWE)

14.20-14.30 Effectiveness of immunotherapy in Large Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma G. Evangelou (GR)

14.30-14.40 Liquid biopsy: development of assays for the molecular characterization of CTCs and cfDNA A. Markou (GR)

14.40-14.50 Novel Biomarkers on CTCs and EVs from Non-Small and Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients G. Kallergi (GR)

14.50-15.00 Rare molecular targets in NSCLC and the significance of Real World Evidence I. Mountzios(GR)

15.00-15.10 NGS-based ctDNA analysis in NSCLC: Challenges and Opportunities A. Voutsina (GR)

15.10-15.20 Therapeutic implications of homologous recombination deficiency in non-small cell lung cancer Κ. Tsilingiri (GR)

15.20-15.30 Digital Therapeutics: quality of life support for cancer patients Th. Kosmidis (GR)


15.30-15.40 TBD H. Linardou (GR)

Chairs: D. Papadatos-Pastos (GR), N. Karachaliou (DE), Ph. Koinis (GR),

F. I. Dimitrakopoulos (GR), P. Christopoulos (GR)

Chairs: I. Boukovinas (GR), V. Georgoulias (GR)

17.00-17.20 PARP inhibition in Lung Cancer A. Klinakis (GR)

17.20-17.40 PARP inhibition combined with immunotherapy S. Linardopoulos (UK)

17.40-18.00 T-cell therapy in Lung Cancer V. Tseveleki (GR)

18.00-18.20 The future of specific antibodies and ADCs in NSCLC N. Karachaliou (DE)

18.20-18.30 History; Structure and function P. Savvides (US)

18.30-18.45 Cases A. Dimou (US)

18.45-19.00 Incorporating Individualized Medicine patient information into patient treatment decisions G. Vasmatzis (US)

Chairs: A. Kotsakis (GR), K. Linos (US)

19.00-19.20 NF-κB and NSCLC F.I. Dimitrakopoulos (GR)

19.20-19.40 State of the art: Molecular diagnostic of NSCLC A. Stenzinger (DE)

19.40-20.00 Τhe role of HLA genotype in lung cancer biology, diagnostics and therapeutics Α. Dimou (US)

Chairs: M. Koukourakis (GR), P. Christopoulos (DE)

08.30-08.50 Combine Radiotherapy wit immunotherapy H. Gkika (DE)

08.50-09.10 Tumor microenvironment in NSCLC A. Giatromanolaki (GR)

09.10-09.20 Discussion

Chairs: D. Papadatos-Pastos (UK), A. Dimopoulos (GR)

09.40-10.00 An update of the primary treatment of limited stage SCLC patients. Is high dose twice daily radiotherapy better? G. Tsakonas (SWE)

10.00-10.20 Updating the treatment of Malignant Mesothelioma I. Metaxas (SUI)

10.20-10.40 State-of-the-art treatment of thymic malignancies S. Gennatas (UK)

10.40-10.50 Discussion

Al Bakir M.
Clinical Lecturer in Medical Oncology, UCLH and UCL Cancer Institute, Clinical Research Fellow, Francis Crick Institute, London, UK
Anagnostou V.
MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Medical Oncology, Director, Thoracic Oncology Biorepository, Upper Aerodigestive Oncology Program, Co-leader, Molecular Tumor Board, Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
Baxevanis C.
Scientific Director, Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy Center, Agios Savvas Hospital, Athens, Greece
Boukovinas I.
MD, PhD, PharmaD, Medical Oncologist, Head of Oncology Unit, Bioclinic Thessaloniki, Greece
Chantzara V.
Charalambous C.
BM (Soton) MRCP(UK) FRCR (UK), Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre, Nicosia, Cyprus
Christopoulos P.
MD, PhD, Hematologist / Medical Oncologist, Thoraxklinik and National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) at Heidelberg University Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany
Dimitrakopoulos F.I.
MD, BTh, MSc, PhD, Division of Oncology, University Hospital o f Patras & Molecular Oncology Laboratory, University of Patras, Greece
Dimopoulos A.
MD, PhD, Director of Radiation Oncology, Department Metropolitan Hospital, Medical University of Vienna, Estro Faculty Member
Dimou A.
MD, Senior Associate Consultant, Division of Medical Oncology, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN, USA
Economopoulou P.
MD, PhD, Consultant Medical Oncologist, 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Attikon University Hospital, Greece
Evangelou G.
Medical Oncologist, MB, MsC, 3rd Department of Medicine, Sotiria Hospital, Athens, Greece
Fokoloros Ch.
MD PhDc, Medical Advisor - Oncology Pipeline Medical Lead, Amgen Hellas
Fotopoulos G.
MD, FSMB (USA), PhD, Medical Oncology Consultant, UT Health San Antonio MD Anderson Alumni, Bank Of Cyprus Oncology Center
Gennatas S.
Consultant Medical Oncologist, Guy’ s and St. Thomas ’ NHS Foundation T rust, London, UK
Georgiou A.
Medical Oncologist, Guy’s and St Thomas ’ NHS Foundation T rust, London, UK
Georgoulias V.
Emeritus Professor of Medical Oncology, School of Medicine, University of Crete, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Giatromanolaki A.
MD, Professor of Pathology, Medical School, Democritus Univeristy of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece
Gkika E.
Assoc. Professor, Vice Chair of the department of Radiation Oncology, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
Kallergi G.
Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, Department of Biology, University of Patras, Greece
Karachaliou N.
MD, PhD, Medical Director, Global Clinical Development, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, German
Klinakis A.
PhD, Director of Research - Professor level, Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens, Greece
Koinis F.
MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medical Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece
Kosmidis Th.
Co-founder & CEO at Care Across. Past Assembly member of the European Commission “Mission on Cancer”, Expert In Residence at Imperial Enterprise Lab.
Kotsakis A.
MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Medical Oncology, Director of Department of Medical Oncology, University Hospital of Larisa, Thessaly, Greece
Koukourakis M.
Radiation Oncologist, Professor, Medical School, Democritus University of Thrace - Head Dept of Radiotherapy - Oncology, Radiobiology and Radiopathology Unit, Universiy Hospital of Alexandroupolis, Greece
Koulouris A.
MD, Oncologist, Theme Cancer, Karolinska University Hospital, Department of Oncology-Pathology, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Linardopoulos S.
Associate Director, Translational Science, Oncology AstraZeneca - Professor of Cancer Therapeutics, The Insitute of Cancer Research, London, UK
Linardou H.
Medical Oncologist, Board Member of FairLife LCC, Director, 4th Oncology Department Metropolitan Hospital, President of the Scientific Committee HeCOG, Athens, Greece
Linos K.
MD, FCAP, FASDP, Associate Professor of Pathology, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, USA, Bone & Soft Tissue pathology and Dermatopathology Division, Director of Bone & Soft Tissue Pathology Division, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center , USA
Markou A.
PhD, Assistant Professor, Lab of Analysis Circulating Tumor Cells (ACTC), Lab of Analytical Chemistry, Dept of Chemistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Metaxas I.
Senior Consultant Medical Oncology, Kantonsspital Münsterlingen, Münsterlingen, Switzerland
Moore D.
CRUK Lung Cancer Centre of Excellence, University College London Cancer Institute, London, UK
Mountzios I.
MD, MSc, PhD, Medical Oncologist, Director, 4th Oncology Department and Clinical Trials Unit, Henry Dunant Hospital Center, ONCOLIFE Institute founder, Athens, Greece
Nikolaou A.
MD, MSc, Medical Manager Oncology, Lung / Head & Neck, Astra Zeneca
Panagiotopoulos N.
MD, PhD, Consultant Thoracic Surgeon, Honorary Clinical Associate Professor UCL, Thoracic Surgery Department, University College London Hospitals (UCLH), UK
Papadatos – Pastos D.
MRCP (UK) PhD, Consultant in Medical Oncology, Lung Cancer and Acute Oncology, University College London Hospitals and The Princess Alexandra Hospital, London, UK
Pateras I.
Bsc, MD, PhD, Pathologist, Assistant Professor, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Savvides P.
MD, PhD, MPH, Senior Associate Consultant, Thoracic H&N Medical Oncology, Mayo Clinic Arizona, USA
Stenzinger A.
Institute of Pathology, University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany
Thomaidou D.
Senior Director, Global Medical Affairs, Precision Medicine, Lung Cancer, Pfizer
Tsakonas G.
MD, PhD, Senior Consultant in Oncology, Senior Researher, Lung Oncology Center, Theme Cancer Oncology and Pathology Department, Karolinska University Hospital, Karolinska Institutet, Solna, Sweden
Tseveleki V.
PhD, Chief Operating Officer, Theracell Laboratories
Tsilingiri K.
PhD, Cancer Biology Laboratory, Center of Basic Research, Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens, Greece
Tsoumakidou M.
MD, PhD, Researcher B - Institute of Bioinnovation, BSRC “Alexander Fleming”, Athens, Greece
Verginis P.
Associate Professor Immunology, Biochemistry, School of Medicine, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece
Voutsina A.
MSc, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher, Greek Genome Center, Biomedical Research, Foundation Academy of Athens (BRFAA), Athens, Greece
Xagara Α.
Molecular Biologist, PhD, Laboratory of Oncology, University of Thessaly, Larissa

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