Προεδρείο: Κ. Μπαξεβάνης 09.00-09.30 Historical retrospection in the research of the genetic basis of cancer Β. Ζουμπουρλής 09.30-10.00 Epigenetic modifications in cancer. Diagnostic and therapeutic approaches Α. Γιακουντής 10.00-10.30 Cancer Immunology Π. Μπατσάκη 10.30-10.45 General Discussion (all presenters)
11.15-11.45 TME and Immunotherapeutics Ε. Κούστας 11.45-12.15 Interactions between tumor associated macrophages (TAMs) and cancer Ι. Πατέρας 12.15-12.45 B cells as an essential part for humoral antitumor immunity in the TME Σ. Καραγιάννη 12.45-13.15 Hypoxia and angiogenesis in tumor microenvironment Π. Λιάκος 13.15-13.30 General Discussion (all presenters)
Προεδρείο: Ι. Πατέρας 13.45-14.15 Cancer immune biomarkers in the era of precision oncology Γ. Τσαούσης 14.15-14.45 Oncolytic virus therapy in cancer Α. Λασκαράκης 14.45-15.15 Immunotherapeutic approaches in Head and Neck Π. Κατσαούνης 15.15-15.45 Immunotherapeutic advances in Breast Cancer Ι. Δημητριάδης 15.45-16.15 The evolving landscape of immunotherapy in NSCLC Θ. Τέγος 16.15-16.30 General Discussion (all presenters)
Προεδρείο: Μ. Γουλιελμάκη 17.00-17.30 Peptide-based vaccines K. Μπαξεβάνης 17.30-18.00 Mechanisms of action of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Ε. Αναστασoπούλου 18.00-18.30 Immuno-oncology pathways and treatment Π. Σαράντης 18.30-19.00 Autoimmunity and immunotherapy Δ. Μπόγδανος 19.00-19.15 General Discussion (all presenters)
Προεδρείο: Σ. Φόρτης 19.15-19.45 Mechanisms for immune resistance during immunotherapies Π. Βεργίνης 19.45-20.15 Systemic immune activation during radiotherapy M. Κουκουράκης 20.15-20.30 General Discussion (all presenters)
Προεδρείο: Α. Κωτσάκης 09.30-10.00 T cells for adaptive antitumor responses Μ. Γουλιελμάκη 10.00-10.30 Macrophage-based cancer immunotherapy Κ. Δήμας 10.30-10.45 General Discussion (all presenters)
Προεδρείο: Ι. Πατέρας 10.45-11.15 Recent advances of immunotherapy in transitional cell carcinoma Α. Κόκκαλης 11.15-11.45 Recent advances of immunotherapy in Gynecological cancer Ω. Φιστέ 11.45-12.15 Immunotherapy in colorectal cancer Ι. Σαμαράς 12.15-12.45 Recent advances of immunotherapy in renal cell carcinoma Φ. Κοΐνης 12.45-13.15 The standard of care for early and metastatic melanoma and squamous cell cell carcinoma Β. Παπαδόπουλος 13.15-13.30 General Discussion (all presenters)
Προεδρείο: Μ. Γουλιελμάκη 14.30-15.00 CTCs and immune cells interplay Α. Ρουμελιώτου 15.00-15.30 Exosomes and immune cells interplay Α. Βουτσινά 15.30-16.00 Cellular antitumor pre-existing immunity as prognostic and predictive biomarker for immunotherapy Α. Ξαγαρά 16.00-16.15 General Discussion (all presenters)
Προεδρείο: Μ. Γουλιελμάκη, Α. Ξαγαρά 16.30-17.00 NGS-based innovative diagnostic approaches in cancer Π. Κωσταντουλάκης 17.00-17.30 AI in cancer diagnostics Γ. Τσαούσης 17.30-17.45 General Discussion (all presenters)