Προεδρείο: Σ. Φόρτης
09.30-10.00 Historical retrospection in the research of the genetic basis of cancer Β. Ζουμπουρλής
10.00-10.30 Cancer Immunology Σ. Φόρτης
10.30-11.00 Epigenetic modifications in respiratory tract cancer. Diagnostic and therapeutic approaches Θ. Ράμπιας
11.00-11.30 Investigation of signaling pathways involved in cancer Α. Ηλιόπουλος
Coffe Break
Προεδρείο: Σ. Φόρτης, Ι. Πατέρας
12.00-12.30 Interactions between tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) and cancer. Ι. Πατέρας
12.30-13.00 Hypoxia and angiogenesis in tumor microenvironment Π. Λιάκος
Lunch Break
Προεδρείο: Α. Ξαγαρά, Β. Παπαδόπουλος
14.00-14.30 Lung Cancer and novel therapeutic approaches Α. Γρίβας
14.30-15.00 Melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma and their therapeutic approaches Β. Παπαδόπουλος
15.00-15.30 Head and Neck Π. Οικονομοπούλου
Coffee Break
Προεδρείο: Ν. Πισταλματζιάν, Σ. Φόρτης
16.00-16.30 Neoantigen vaccines: long-term responses and combination with PD-1 inhibition Ν. Πισταλματζιάν
16.30-17.00 Peptide-based vaccines Ν. Παπαιωάννου
17.00-17.30 Mechanisms of action of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors Ε. Αναστασοπούλου
17.30-18.00 Exploring molecular evolution and signalling mechanisms with translational implications in personalized medicine: oncology and pharmacogenetics Κ. Καρακωστής
Προεδρείο: Κ. Μπαξεβάνης
09.30-10.00 Mechanisms for immune resistance during immunotherapies Σ. Φόρτης
10.00-10.30 Cancer biomarkers in the era of precision oncology Μ. Αδαμάκη
10.30-11.00 Recent advances in targeted radioimmunotherapy and theragnostics for the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer Ε. Σερέτη
11.00-11.30 Systemic immune activation during radiotherapy Μ. Κουκουράκης
11.30-12.00 Cellular antitumor pre-existing immunity as prognostic and predictive biomarker for immunotherapy Α. Ξαγαρά
Coffee Break
Προεδρείο: Β. Γεωργούλιας, Φ. Κοΐνης
12.30-13.00 Recent advances in the therapeutictargeting of Kidney cancer Μ. Τσιατάς
13.00-13.30 Recent advances in the therapeutictargeting of Urothelial cancer Φ. Κοΐνης
13.30-14.00 Recent advances in the therapeutictargeting of Gynecological cancer Ω. Φιστέ
Lunch Break
Προεδρείο: Α. Κωτσάκης
15.00-15.30 Adoptive cell therapies for hematological/solid cancers: TCR and CAR engineered lymphocytes M. Themeli
15.30-16.00 Bispecific T-Cell Engagers for Immunotherapy of Cancer Μ. Klinger
16.00-16.30 Oncolytic virus therapy in cancer Ν. Ωρολογάς
Coffee Break
Προεδρείο: Α. Ξαγαρά
17.00-17.30 T cells for adaptive antitumor responses Μ. Γουλιελμάκη
17.30-18.00 NK cells as major players for innate antitumor immunity Χ. Παπίστα
18.00-18.30 Macrophage-based cancer immunotherapy Κ. Δήμας
Προεδρείο: Σ. Φόρτης
09.30-10.00 Basic mechanisms Crosstalk between MDSCs and other immune cells Ε. Κ. Βέτσικα
10.00-10.30 The role of Tregs in tumor and immunotherapy Π. Βεργίνης
10.30-11.00 Tumor microenvironment Tregs and cancer immunometabolomics Δ. Κερδιδάνη
Coffee Break
Προεδρείο: Β. Γεωργούλιας
11.30-12.00 Τumor agnostic biomarkers for immunotherapy Μ. Λιόντος
12.00-12.30 Recent advances in the therapeutic targeting of Breast cancer Ρ. Ζακοπούλου
12.30-13.00 Recent advances in the therapeutic targeting of Gastrointestinal cancer Π. Παπαναστασόπουλος
Lunch Break
Προεδρείο: M. Γουλιελμάκη
14.00-14.30 siRNA-miRNA, stem cells and cancer Β. Ζουμπουρλής
14.30-15.00 CRISPR screening data uncovers new opportunities for optimizing cancer immunotherapy Σ. Μαγκούτα
15.00-15.30 NGS-based innovative diagnostic approaches in cancer Μ. Ζαμανάκου
15.30-16.00 miRNAs and epigenetics Χ. Βαξεβάνης
Closing Remarks