Masterclass on Tumor Biomarkers

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F. Koinis, V. Georgoulias 

Chairs: V. Georgoulias, F. Koinis

Personalized Medicine: a new and evolving reality in clinical oncology  Ch. Antonopoulos

Chairs: G. Lypas, Th. Rampias

09.30-09.50 Τhe emerged importance of pathologist beyond the diagnostic workup

D. Papachristou

09.50-10.10 The need for NGS analysis using polygenic panels for tumor molecular profiling  G. Nasioulas

10.10-10.30 RNA sequence: Could be emerged as a new tool for personalized treatment in cancer?  Str. Kosmidis

10.30-10.50 HRD score: A new biomarker for PARP inhibitors  P. Constantoulakis

10.50-11.00 Discussion

Chairs: V. Georgoulias, F. Papageorgiou

The importance of Liquid Biopsy as a tool for the understanding of the natural history and the metastatic process  E. Lianidou

Chairs: A. Markou, N. Xenidis

12.00-12.20 The phenotypic heterogeneity of Circulating Tumor Cells in breast cancer  G. Kallergi

12.20-12.40 The molecular heterogeneity of Circulating Tumor Cells in breast cancer  A. Strati

12.40-13.00 ESR1 mutation as a marker for hormone resistance treatment                D. Stergiopoulou

13.00-13.10 Discussion

Chairs: E. Lianidou, D. Tryfonopoulos

13.10-13.30 Clinical applications of Circulating Tumor Cells in breast cancer  N. Xenidis 13.30-13.50 Clinical applications of ctDNA in breast cancer  O. Fiste

13.50-14.00 Discussion

Chairs: A. Strati, F. Koinis

15.00-15.20 The clinical relevance of CTC in prostate cancer  Z. Zafeiriou

15.20-15.40 The emerging importance of CTC in NSCLC  A. Markou

15.40-16.00 the exosomes as a potential tool of tumor biomarkers  A. Xagara

16.00-16.10 Discussion

Chairs: G. Nasioulas, D. Stefanou

16.10-16.30 Newer biomarkers in NSCLC (EGFR exon 20 mut, KRAS mut, MET exon 14 mut)  G. Oikonomopoulos

16.30-16.50 Newer biomarkers in NSCLC (NTRK, RET, HER2 mut)  E.-G. Fergadis

16.50-17.00 Discussion

Chairs: A. Kotsakis, Th. Tegos

17.30-17.50 Clinical applications of liquid biopsy in NSCLC  F. Papageorgiou

17.50-18.10 Monitoring of ctDNA for treatment efficacy in colorectal cancer patients      I. Samaras

18.10-18.30 Monitoring the Minimal Residual Disease using Liquid Biopsy assays          A. Voutsina

18.30-18.50 The Signatera R platform for the detection of MRD  N.Tsoulos

18.50-19.00 Discussion

Chairs: P. Constantoulakis, O. Katopodis

09.00-09.20 Emerging molecular subgroups in Colorectal cancers using NGS technology A. Assi

09.20-09.40 Biomarkers in pancreatic and biliary tract carcinomas  E. Karatrasoglou

09.40-10.00 The NTRK fusions as a biomarker for personalized treatment                  A. Kyriazoglou

10.00-10.10 Discussion

Chairs: I. Vamvakaris, Ch. Valavanis

10.10-10.30 The prognostic and predictive value of TILs  I. Pateras

10.30-10.50 Is PD-L1 a real biomarker for treatment with ICIs?  Ch. Masaoutis

10.50-11.10 Tumor Mutation Burden (TMB): When and How  G. Tsaousis

11.10-11.30 Intergrading MSI/MMR testing in the daily clinical practice                      A. karampeazis

11.30-11.50 Immunoscore: A new tool for treatment de-escalation in early stage colorectal cancer  D. Hatzibougias

11.50-12.10 Discussion

Chairs: A. Kotsakis, F. Koinis

The emergence of Tissue-Agnostic treatment in clinical oncology  N. Pistamaltzian

Antonopoulos C.
MD, PhD, EMBA, Director and Board Member | Oncology - Hematology Business Unit, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals Greece
Assi A.
Medical Oncologist and Clinical Research Fellow, Henry Dunant Hospital Center and Attikon University Hospital
Constantoulakis P.
PhD, Molecular Biologist - Geneticist, Scientific Director, GENOTYPOS M.S.A., Greece
Fergadis E. G.
Medical Oncologist, Metaxa Cancer Hospital, Athens
Fiste O.
Fellow in Medical Oncology, Medical Oncology Unit, Department of Clinical Therapeutics, Alexandra Hospital, Athens, Greece
Georgoulias V.
Emeritus Professor of Medical Oncology, School of Medicine, University of Crete, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Hatzibougias D.
MD, MSc, PhD, Pathologist, CEO, microDiagnostics S.A.
Kallergi G.
Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, Department of Biology, University of Patras, Greece
Karampeazis Α.
MD, MSc, PhD, Director, Medical Oncology Unit, NIMTS, (Veterans Hospital), Athens
Karatrasoglou E.
MD, MSc, PhD, Medical Oncology Resident Doctor
Katopodis Ourania
MD, PhD, Consultant Medical Oncologist, Chairman of the Oncolo gy Committee, Department of Medical Oncology, “Athens Euroclinic Hospital”
Koinis F.
MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medical Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece
Kosmidis E.
Associate Professor, Laboratory of Physiology, Department of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Kotsakis A.
MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Medical Oncology, Director of Department of Medical Oncology, University Hospital of Larisa, Thessaly, Greece
Kyriazoglou A.
MD, PhD, Medical Oncologist, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2nd Propaedeutic Department of Medicine, Attikon University Hospital, Athens, Greece
Lianidou E.
Professor of Analytical Chemistry - Clinical Chemistry, Analysis of Circulating Tumor Cells (ACTC) Lab, Dept of Chemistry, University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Lypas G.
MD, Medical Oncologist, Director of Department of Medical Oncology - Genetic Oncology, Hygeia Hospital, Athens
Markou A.
PhD, Assistant Professor, Lab of Analysis Circulating Tumor Cells (ACTC), Lab of Analytical Chemistry, Dept of Chemistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Masaoutis Ch.
Pathologist, Metropolitan General Hospital, Athens, Greece
Nasioulas G.
PhD, Chief Scientific Officer, Genekor Medical S.A., Athens, Greece
Oikonomopoulos G.
Consultant in Medical Oncology, MSc, 2nd Oncology Department, Metropolitan Hospital, Athens, Greece
Papachristou D.
MD, PhD, Professor of Histopathology, Sc. Coordinator Unit of Bone and Soft Tissue Studies, Univ. of Patras, School of Medicine, Professor (Adj.), Dept. of Pathology, Univ. of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Director, Dept. of Pathology, ”Olympion” General Clinic, Patras, Greece, Vice President of the Hellenic Group of Sarcomas and Rare Cancers (EOSSO)
Papageorgiou F.
PhD, Molecular Biologist, Diagnostics Lead Oncology, AstraZeneca, Greece
Pateras I.
Bsc, MD, PhD, Pathologist, Assistant Professor, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Rampias Th.
PhD, Μοριακός Βιολόγος, Ερευνητής Γ’, Ίδρυμα Ιατροβιολογικών Ερευνών Ακαδημίας Αθηνών (ΙΙΒΕΑΑ)
Samaras I.
MD, Medical Oncologist, University Hospital of Larissa, Greece
Stefanou D.
MD, PhD, Mesical Oncologist, 1rst Department of Internal Medicine, Laiko General Hospital, Athens, Greece
Stergiopoulou D.
MSc, Analysis of Circulating Tumor Cells Lab (ACTC Lab), Department of Chemistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA)
Strati A.
Postdoctoral Researcher, Analysis of Circulating Tumor Cells lab, Dept of Chemistry, University of Athens, Greece
Tegos Th.
Medical Oncologist, PhD, Evangelismos General Hospital, Athens, Greece
Tryfonopoulos D.
MD, MSc, PhD, Medical Oncologist, Anti-Cancer Hospital Agios Savvas, Athens, Greece
Tsaousis G.
PhD, Group Leader of Bioinformatics, Genekor Medical S.A., Athens, Greece
Tsoulos N.
Chief Executive Officer, Genekor MSA
Vamvakaris I.
MD, MSc, PhD, Pathologist,Head of Sotiria Pathology Department, Athens, Greece
Voutsina A.
MSc, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher, Greek Genome Center, Biomedical Research, Foundation Academy of Athens (BRFAA), Athens, Greece
Xagara Α.
Molecular Biologist, PhD, Laboratory of Oncology, University of Thessaly, Larissa
Xenidis N.
Associate Professor of Clinical Oncology, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Zafeiriou Z.
MD, MSc, Medical Oncologist, Theageneio Anticancer Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece

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Ώρες λειτουργίας Τεχνικής Υποστήριξης:

- καθημερινά 09:00-17:00

- τις ημέρες του event 09:00-21:00

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