Welcome address A. Klinakis (GR)
Chair: V. Georgoulias (GR), Z.Lygerou (GR)
12.00-12.30: Precision Medicine and the ‘‘Genome of Greece” D. Thanos (GR)
12.30-13.00: Overview of HRD: From the bench to the clinic A. Klinakis (GR)
Light Lunch
Chairs: Th. Rampias (GR), S. Gagos (GR)
14.00-14.20: Mechanisms for DNA damage repair (DDR) D. Karagiannis (US)
14.20-14.40: Oncogene induced replication stress Z. Lygerou (GR)
14.40-15.00: Stress-induced senescence and role in tumor growth A. Goutas (GR)
15.00-15.10: Discussion
Chairs: P. Makrythanasis (GR), A. Voutsina (GR)
15.10-15.30: Mechanisms of tumor efficacy and toxicity by PARP inhibitors T. Halazonetis (CH)
15.30-15.50: Genomic instability as driver of tumor evolution G. Nasioulas (GR)
15.50-16.10: Telomeric instability S. Gagos (GR)
16.10-16.20: Discussion
Coffee Break
Chairs: A. Klinakis (GR), P. Constantoulakis (GR)
16.40-17.00: Chromosomal aberrations and manifestations of genomic instability S. Gagos (GR)
17.00-17.20: Synthetic lethality and PARP inhibitor technology, parylation Th. Rampias (GR)
17.20-17.30: Discussion
Chairs: A. Giatromanolaki (GR), C.N. Baxevanis (GR)
17.30-17.50: Tumor microenvironment and immunogenicity I. Pateras (GR)
17.50-18.10: The heterogeneous molecular landscape of NSCLC P. Foukas (GR)
18.10-18.30: Heterogeneity of immunotherapy-induced alteration in the tcrb repertoire of NSCLC patients M. Goulielmaki (GR)
18.30-18.40: Discussion
Chairs: I. Pateras (GR), G. Nasioulas (GR)
09.00-09.20: The NGS as a diagnostic tool for precision medicine E. Papadopoulou (GR)
09.20-09.40: HRD scoring platforms (technologies) P. Constantoulakis (GR)
09.40-10.00: HRD in Comprehensive Genomic Profiling: The Illumina proposal for a complete molecular profile Ch. Magnanini (IT)
10.00-10.20: Non-HRR gene-mediated HRD M. Rubsam (DE)
10.20-10.40: Revealing the HRD status in NSCLC K. Tsilingiri (GR)
10.40-11.00: Discussion
Chairs: V. Georgoulias (GR)
11.00-10.20: Targeting HRD in breast cancer A. Constantinidou (CY)
10.20-11.40: Targeting HRD in ovarian cancer R. Zakopoulou (GR)
11.40-12.00: Targeting HRD in prostate cancer and pancreatic cancer M. Liontos (GR)
12.00-12.20: Targeting HRD in the agnostic treatment setting M. Rovithi (GR)
12.20-13.00: Discussion
Coffee Break
Chairs: Α. Klinakis (GR)
13.00-13.20: HRD prevelance in other tumor types G. Christopoulou (GR)
13.20-13.40: Combination of PARP inhibition with immunotherapy V. Anastasopoulou (DE)
13.40-14.00: Combination of PARP inhibitors with other treatments O. Fiste (GR)
14.00-14.20: Mechanisms of resistance to PARP inhibitors Th. Rampias (GR)
14.20-14.40: Discussion
Concluding Remarks