Chair: V. Kaklamanis (US), Th. Foukakis (SE)
18.00-18.30 CET (19.00-19.30 GR Time) HER2-low breast cancer: a new entity? G. Curigliano (IT)
18.30-19.00 CET (19.30- 20.00 GR Time) Management algorithm of ER-positive,
HER2-negative V. Kaklamanis (US)
19.00-19.30 CET (20.00-20.30 GR Time) Management algorithm of HER2-positive
breast cancer E. Papadimitraki (UK)
19.30-20.00 CET (20.30- 21.00 GR Time) Management algorithm of triple negative
breast cancer A. Matikas (SE)
20.00-20.15 CET (21.00-21.15 GR Time) Q&Α